Thursday, April 28, 2011

May Weekend, Treated As Any Other Weekend?

May Weekend is upon us here at QU, and even though it was officially disbanded in 2007, the student body continues on the spirit. For those who do not know, May Weekend started at Quinnipiac as a celebration of the year's end and the beginning of the warm weather. The campus was filled with carnival rides, inflatables, games, cookouts, and alcohol. However it was tragically ended in 2007 when an intoxicated QU student crossed Whitney Avenue and was killed.

To this day many student organizations here at QU try to continue the fun tradition of May Weekend. SPB brings back the carnival feel with Bobcat Bounce, a day filled with fun inflatables and games. Along with that they have also created a "Drive-In" Movie on the Quad, featuring an outdoor screen and a recent blockbuster movie (TRON 2 is being shown this year). Many other student organizations try and contibute and create many other fun events.

With the carnival feeling of May Weekend being brought to life year after year, another tradition is brought to life by the students: drinking. Yes, we here at Quinnipiac do drink and so do most other college students. Our campus is not a dry campus and typically the school is not too harsh on alcohol policies. Except on May Weekend. In spite of May Weekend's official cancelation, security bumps up their efforts, and it is understandable that they are merely looking out for the safety of the student body.

However I do have an issue with this year's May Weekend. In a recent article in QuadNews (, Chief of Security and Safety David Barger stated, "This is going to be a weekend like any other weekend here, the same rules are in place, from visitors to possession of alcohol or any other substances."

As a student, I interpret that as saying that it will be just like any other weekend here at QU. But this is false.

Driving my car up to the 20 minute parking in Crescent, I noticed that the booth at the bottom of the hill, usually empty, was manned by two security guards. I was told to stop and show my ID. I obliged as a flashlight was shined into my eyes and then shined into my back seat as if I was stealing some sort of contraband across a country's border.

Later in the day, I drove down to Amity Wine and Spirit to pick up my 30 of beer (I am 21 years old, so it is legal). I placed it in my trunk and then drove up to the York Hill parking garage. I drove my car in, parked it and proceeded to walk up the stairs without any problems. However when I reached the Fifth floor, I noticed that there was a security guard sitting in one of the club carts. This was out of the ordinary.

I proceeded to exit the building, and as I was making my way up the stairs to pass through the windmills, he stops me. I particularly do not appreciate being spied on.

"Hey guy!"
"Yes?" I respond.
"I need to see your ID, to make sure you're 21."

This was the first time in my entire year here at QU that I have been carrying beer across York Hill and been told to show my ID.

"Can I ask you a question," I replied as I handed him my ID "What's with the heightened security?"
"Oh you know, its the weekend" He said with a heightened inflection on the word "weekend," signifying that he meant "May Weekend."
"Really? Because I was told that this weekend was going to be treated like any other weekend."
"Yeah, I'm sure they told you that" He said with a hinted note of sarcasm.
"I mean I know you're just doing your job, but I wish they would just tell us that they're heightening security because it's May Weekend instead of just saying otherwise. We're not dumb."
After closely looking over my ID, he handed it back replying "Have a good one."

This is where I am troubled. Why release a statement saying that this weekend will be treated like any other one, when clearly it is not? Students want to be told things clearly and truthfully by administration and faculty members. As a Public Relations major, I have always been taught that its not good PR to say something when it clearly is not the truth.

Another point that I want to bring up, is the "Of Age Rule Concerning Alcohol." Students on campus who are 21 years or older are allowed to posess no more than a 30 rack of beer. A lot of alcohol for one person? Yes. But more than likely that 30 is shared between multiple people. So sometimes people purchase more than one 30 rack. However if caught with more than one 30, it gets taken away by security. As someone who is 21 years old, it is my legal right to consume alcohol. I understand that Quinnipiac is private property and as such we forego our own rights to those in the Student Handbook, but there still can be room for more equal and fair rights. For example instead of taking a student's second 30 rack away, why not make them pay a fine for it?

In closing I guess I'll say this: Why make such a big deal about alcohol consumption on May Weekend? I guess its the fact that we as students try to keep alive the spirits and traditions of the May Weekend that once was. It was a sad and unfortunate thing that a student lost his life back in 2007, but I suppose in one way or another we also keep alive May Weekend to remember him.

Be safe and have fun. May Weekend 2011.

- John

Gooooood morning Bobcats!

Hi there!

My name is Andrew McDermott, and I am a soon-to-be-senior computer information systems major at Quinnipiac University.

I'm an involved leader on the QU campus, serving in leadership roles in multiple organizations. I'm a Senior Class Representative on the Student Government Association, the Director of Risk Management on the Iota Mu chapter of Delta Tau Delta, President of the Pi Upsilon chapter of Order of Omega, Vice President of the CIS club and a Student Ambassador at the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Long story short, I like to keep my hands tied up with things.

Some times I get referred to as Derm, or El Presidente. I like to refer to myself as the most interesting man in the world because I don't drink often, but when I do, I prefer Dos Equis.

I am originally from the great state of New Jersey. Now that's a little broad. When you hone in on where I am really from, you have to notice three things. First, North Jersey>South Jersey. Secondly, 201--too much green, too much fun. Finally, Ramsey is the best town in New Jersey. From those statements, I would like to draw the conclusion that Ramsey, NJ is the best place to be. :-)

I like my sports teams. They may not always be the best, but they will always have a place in my heart. Here's a shoutout for them: New York Giants, New York Rangers, New York Knicks, New York Yankees and Red Bull New York. Please note, half of the Yankees fans are know, those who ride the wave of success; I'm not one of them. I have and always will be a NYY fan.

So, if I am really that involved, why am I making time to write for Spontaneous QU? As an involved student, I see many things that provoke emotion in me...whether it be happiness, anger, confusion, or any other emotion that you can think of. Many times, I feel that other students don't see what it is that provoked that emotion. I'm looking to be able to share my "insider" insight to all of you with the intention of bringing issues and ideas relating to Quinnipiac to light.

If you ever have any topic you want to see me talk about, please feel free to let me know!

Thanks for reading,

Andrew McDermott

Thursday, April 21, 2011

My Friday Night

I had a wonderful Friday night. Some friends and I went to see the Theater for Community production of “The Caucasian Chalk Circle" at Long Wharf Theatre in New Haven. We really had a great time. The play had dumb humor, some really intelligent humor, and various societal comments that can really only be taken in if you saw the play.

On our way back we ran into some friends of friends that were heading out for the night. Their explanation of their plan was “We’re going to Whit Bag. We’ve got nothing better to do.” They asked our plans and we said we were heading back from a play and we had a really good time. To which this group of hair jelled, ironic tshirt clad, fake tan sporting dudes snickered. Yes, we were returning from a play, and we had a great time. You just told us you were going out to pay for overpriced beers because you had nothing better to do. Well guess what, we had something better to do. We went and did it and we were all glad we did. We supported a local theatre, we saw some friends put on a great show, and we enjoyed ourselves.

Assholes like this are what it seems Quinnipiac is largely comprised of, which is more than unfortunate. We had a great night staying sober and involving ourselves in some intellectual stimulation. When I went to a concert sober the next night they probably would have thought I was lame too. I had a great weekend, the hell with all of them.
