Friday, January 28, 2011


How's it going everyone out there. Just a small introduction for the readers who don't know me: My name is Matthew Pankey, and I am a Junior, majoring in Economics here at Quinnipiac University. I am involved with two organizations here at QU: the first being head of the Public Relations committee in my fraternity, Delta Tau Delta, while the second is a student leader for the non-profit organization, The Albert Schweitzer Institute (ASI). Both organizations have helped me develop into a better student, and person while at QU.

Ok, so enough about that. When Jeremy first asked me to be a part of this blog - say 4-5 weeks ago - I knew I was interested, but I didn't know what or how I could contribute to it. Over winter break, I'll admit, I pretty much forgot about this. The holidays came, work 9-5, trying to catch up and spend time with friends, family, etc., all got to me, and I never had a chance to think about this.

Earlier in the week, I checked out the blog and read the posts, and still couldn't decide the path I wanted to take. In less than 24 hours though, literally, I came up with a few ideas that I could throw some two sense around. (I had a lot of free time thanks to "syllabus week" - the first and easiest week of classes where no work is assigned, because it takes a full class to go over the syllabus.)

During this semester, and hopefully longer, I'll be coming up with and discussing a wide variety of topics that include: the amazing, yet dangerous and possibly addicting rush of gambling; my past and upcoming trips to Nicaragua in affiliation with ASI; my self made up debate of the two more popular QU bars, Andales (aka Dicks) vs. Whitney Bar and Grill (aka Whit Bag); and finally, random daily thoughts and events that deal with politics, government actions, and current events in the US and the World.

Stay Classy,
- Matt

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