Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Obligatory Intro and Involvement

Hey there, I'm John. I'm a Junior Public Relations major with a minor in English. I'm on the Student Programming Board as the Tech and Media Chair as well as in a fraternity, Delta Tau Delta, as the Sargeant At Arms.

Alright, so from that little "About Me" intro to this post you can no doubt tell that I'm in some sense involved on this campus, and that's true. When I was a freshman at QU, I honestly despised it. I had talked with my friends about transferring to Emerson and studying acting. Thank God I didn't do that for two reasons: The first being that I would have thrown my life away and more than likely would have come out of college thinking that I was a know-it-all actor, acting in community theater shows. The second being that I would have lost so much of what I have gained at this university.

I started to get involved with a few things my sophomore year. I was a member of the Student Programming Board and went to a few meetings and I rushed a fraternity, which was something I never figured that I would do. Then this year I look back at what I've done and seen how far I've come with all of my involvement. And to think... I could have thrown all these opportunities away by transferring my freshman year to Emerson.

I guess if there is one thing to take away from my little story is that if you find yourself hating your school and sitting in your room with your headphones on, watching Netflix and listening to music (which is what I did my freshman year), get up and try to get involved in something. Granted, getting involved in a bunch of organizations is not for anybody. Hell, some people find enjoyment in sitting around all day and watching TV shows non stop (which is what one of my roommates does for example), but still. Give something a try because that is what college is all about. And who wants to look back on their college experience when they graduate and say, "Man, I had some awesome times doing... absolutely nothing."

...and for the record, there are plenty of people on this campus who are twice as involved as I am.

- John

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