Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Cultural Experience (2)

To comment a little further on Mr. Horn's statement (hence the title having the number 2 in it), "one of the reasons I suggest to everyone I meet that studying abroad (twice) is not only one of the best decisions I have ever made, by one of the best one could ever make.", I could not agree more. Although no one has asked me to talk about my own, personal cultural experiences, I thought I'd do it anyways.

Lets go way back in time - say September 2009 - fall semester here at QU. I had just started sophomore year, and as any typical college student, I loved the typical college life. As much as I seemed to love college, I knew that i was CLUELESS in what I wanted to do in life. I switched from History major, to Business, then tried out Political Science before I got really scared with my future and decided to make the final switch to Economics. Although, I regret making all those switches, and wasting time filling out paperwork, I am very happy being an Economics major.

During the beginning of that semester, I went out to the Alternative Spring Break Trip to Nicaragua information session with two of my room mates, and the moment I saw the video of the past trip's I felt a connection - as I'm sure 97.549% of the people in that room did too (thought that % was a fair guesstimate). I applied, and almost two months later was notified that I got accepted. Tremendously happy and proud of that, I still had no idea how this experience was gonna throw a nice curve ball at me.

Before the trip, I figured I'd follow the steps of my father, brother, aunts, uncles, everyone i knew, going into the business world - aka Corporate America. I also knew that I was going to travel to an underdeveloped country, where poverty was high, and living conditions meant cardboard homes. Still I couldn't have guessed what was in store for me.

Now let's fast forward a few months to spring break, March 2010. The moment we stepped outside of the airport in Managua, Nicaragua, you can see how poor this country is and how undeveloped it truly is. Through all the struggles the people in that country have gone though in the past 40 years - earthquake, civil war, poverty, government corruption, etc - they still go out everyday to do their best and give 100% in their work.

This ten day trip, gave me the opportunity to see the world, and life, from a different lens. It opened the door to other opportunities in life. It made me experience a culture that I was unfamiliar with. It allowed myself to see what and how America is looked at from outsiders. It made me realize and understand what was important in MY life. It helped me become a better person than I was before. It ultimately changed the path I want to take in life.

I know I could literally write for hours, and get every detail down, but I will possibly save that for another day - that is if people even want to read it, ha-ha.

Now, in approximately 9 days, I will be back in Nicaragua. This time though, I will have the opportunity to see the transformation happen to other members of the delegation.

To sum it all up, I, again, could not agree more with Horn, that going abroad - in any type of trip - is a great experience, and one of the best life decisions one can take.

That's all for now...if you liked it, show some love, if not - I'm sorry
Stay Classy,

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