Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Happy Hump Day

So it's Wednesday evening... We're officially over the week's halfway point and can breathe that deserved sigh of relief because we're well on our way to the weekend.  Appropriately, Wednesday happens to be my most exhausting day schedule-wise, and things always calm down considerably once I complete the day's tasks.  Even better, starting tomorrow night, QU has a packed weekend - with all the home playoff games and WQAQ's Battle of the Bands, etc.  There's so much to look forward to, right?   

Right. EXCEPT - tonight, when I was walking back from the parking garage with a roommate, she looked up and commented on how beautiful the stars looked.  It struck me then, that I had never done that.  Despite living up here since August, despite the countless meetings I have walked back from late at night and despite the walks to and from the parking garage for late night Dairy Queen runs.  And it got me seriously thinking.

Every week this semester, I have spent getting through the day by crossing things off my to-do list in my planner and when it's done, I go to bed.  Each day, I spend waiting for this relaxing hump day night, and then waiting for the weekend.  And there's nothing wrong with that.  We're in college, have a lot going on, and the weekend is the time to have a life.  But, it's almost Spring Break... which means the semester is halfway over... which means I'm almost a senior.  And that's just plain scary.

I love Quinnipiac and the thought of leaving already saddens me.  What's worse, is knowing that the supposed "best four years of my life" will have been spent crossing things off my to-do list and living for the weekend.  I like being busy and involved, like Jeremy recently posted, I've always looked at it as a fulfilling way to spend my years here.  But my roommate, unknowingly, made me realize I was missing more.  So now I will make a serious effort to not just look to the next moment and count down every moment to some assignment or event, to take my nose out of my planner and cell phone to take in just how beautiful it is living up on York Hill and instill that I can enjoy my time here besides on Saturdays and Sundays. 

Still, I can't lie... I'm pretty excited for tomorrow night.  See you at the game!  --Meg

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